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True High Country

Escape for a cool change this summer

What's On

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happening on the hill


Monday Munchies

Late night food offering every Monday from 9:30pm-11:30pm -...

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27 Jul 2024


Join us for Loonie Tuesdays

$1 Wings, Poutine and Caesar Cocktails from...

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27 Jul 2024


Join us at Moosehead for Blues Night

Blued Ltd featuring Charlie Owen 


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26 Jul 2024


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For Families

Horse Riding
Indoor Sports Hall
National Alpine Museum

Eat And Drink

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Open for Summer

Mirimbah Store
Coffee Garage

Rentals Retail

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Open For Summer

George's Ski Hire
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  • → Answer a few questions and our website will be totally tailored to your needs.
  • → We’ll also send you email reminders and guides to make your Mt Buller experience incredible.
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