Little Mt Buller

  • Status
  • Skill level
  • Conditions
  • Duration
    5.7km return
  • Type



  • Head south past the Kooroora onto The Avenue, continuing to the end
  • Descend on a gravel road to your left, then turn right to follow the gravel road down Standard ski run
  • Walk down this trail for approx. 250m to a T-intersection at the bottom
  • Turn right onto the vehicle track (Whisky Creek Trail) and head straight towards Little Buller ski run
  • Pass Bull Run and Federation chairlifts, keeping both on your left
  • At the bottom of Little Buller ski run, turn left and follow the rocky climb to the Little Mt Buller summit, where a trig point marks the top
  • Return the way you came
  • From the bottom of Little Buller ski run take the ‘summer’ road up the right hand side of the run.
  • At the intersection of Family Run, either:
    • Turn sharp right onto the Summit Nature Walk and return to the Village
    • Turn left and follow the Summit Nature Walk past the Ski Patrol monument to the Summit Car Park. From here you can return to the Village via either
      • Summit Road (right)
      • Summit Nature Walk (left) around the north side of the mountain, to the Arlberg
Little Mt Buller

More Intermediate trails

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Closed Delatite River Trail Intermediate
Open Mt Stirling Summit Loop Intermediate
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Open Wombat Drop Interpretive Loop Intermediate
Open Woollybutt Loop Intermediate
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